Sunday, June 15, 2008

Gearing up

Hi all!
This is my first post on this new blog, and ideally I'll be updating throughout the summer. It's Sunday, so my departure date is just four days away. I can't exactly say I'm ready...I just got back from hiking for two weeks on the Long Trail in Vermont on Thursday, and I've been decompressing from that for the last few days. At the same time, I've got clothes and suitcases to buy, housing to finalize, roommates to contact, driving plans to JFK to finalize, guidebooks to purchase, etc. For sure, I'll be taking my camera and a big memory card, so look forward to pictures that, while perhaps not worthy of being immortalized in the arches of Adams House, should give you a sense of what I'm doing. I'd love to hear comments and feedback from any of you, which you can do using Blogspot's commenting feature.

That's about it for this posting, but look here next week for posts when I've gotten myself settled in Amman. I have ADSL at my Amman apartment and WIFI at Qasid, so I'll be fully wired. Until'a as-salaama!


Anonymous said...

you used "finalize" twice in one sentance. tut tut owen. buy yourself a thesaurus

Anonymous said...

omg! Owen, this is awesome! I will read it over the next few days as I do webcomics, which means that I expect this to be high in entertainment value. :) Also, I brought back a few little cool things from the Hagia Sofya and Egypt for you! You shall collect in Sept.

be well,

PS. Your anonymous grammarnazi above has misspelled "sentance" in his/her correction (and also displayed a troublingly lax use of commas). This irks me.